Mobile apps

/Tag:Mobile apps

5 Benefits of Mobile Apps for Staffing Agencies

These days, it seems we do just about everything on our mobile devices. From banking and checking email to ordering food and surfing the web, the list is nearly endless. And there’s a good reason for that: it's convenient and easy.   But mobile apps are beneficial for much more than personal use. In the business world, mobile software and technology is widespread, and the staffing and recruiting industry is no exception. Think about it – most job seekers are searching for open roles on their phones, not sitting in front of a desktop monitor. They might even be job searching [...]

September 29th, 2022|Recruiters, Tips & Tricks|

Healthcare Recruiting: Finding the Right Candidate

To say that the healthcare sector is important to our society is to be guilty of massive understatement. Most everyone comes into contact with the healthcare system in one capacity or another—even those of us who like to boast that we hardly ever get sick. We get our annual flu shot from the local clinic, we stop by the doctor’s office for a checkup, we take prescription pills supplied to us by the pharmacist, we help family members with their medical issues and rehabilitation efforts—in sum, we either deal with the healthcare system ourselves or we know someone who does. [...]

September 8th, 2017|New Features|

4 Things to Look for When Shopping for Recruiting Software

Searching for software to help you with your duties as a recruiter? That’s a wise decision: It’s difficult if not impossible to be a really first-rate recruiter nowadays without the right high-tech tools in the office. However, when hunting for recruiting software, you can’t just grab the first deal you see. You have to make sure that the software you’re purchasing can get the job done. Having said that, here are some important features to look for as you browse through recruiting software packages. Scalability – If you’re looking for software because you’re new to the recruiting biz, then you [...]

April 1st, 2017|Tips & Tricks|