The state of remote work is that it is probably here to stay. During the pandemic, nearly 70% of full-time employees moved to remote working. After COVID, 92% of Americans say they plan on working from home at least one day a week, and 80% say that number is closer to three days a week. Most workers say they are more productive when working from home, and recent studies tend to back this up. But the reality is that employers don’t really know if this is true unless they set up key performance indicators (KPIs) to track these numbers. This blog will help you understand which KPIs will help your organization understand the performance of your remote workforce.

Tracking Remote Worker KPIs

Setting the right KPIs has benefits for the employer and their employee. The employer can clearly see the ROI that individual employees offer. The employee knows what’s expected and won’t need micromanagement if the KPI is realistic and tied to business goals. Some of the benefits of having the right KPIs for your remote teams include:

  • Tracking milestones toward a final project, which is helpful for client management and billing.
  • Providing information on how the product is developing both for you and the client.
  • Offering objective data for project modification and workflow evaluation.
  • Allowing for easy at-a-glance evaluation of team performance.
  • Motivation for the employee to keep working toward goal attainment.

A good KPI should always be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-driven, or SMART. You can use this metric for each task or project that the employee is assigned. However, it’s complicated because each job description will have its own KPIs. For example:

  • Sales KPIs are usually revenue-driven; i.e., how many sales did they close? But you may also track the number of leads generated, calls made, or quotes, in addition to revenue generated.
  • IT teams may track server downtime, help desk resolution ratios, ticket completion tallies, network availability, and more. 
  • Marketing may track the number of hits to your website or the volume of attendees at an event. 
  • Recruiters will track number of conversations, interviews, and candidates placed.

The point is that each of these roles have different KPIs. Keeping track of all of these numbers is critically important but also difficult to manage. That is, unless you have a best-in-class software platform like Exelare to not only track the numbers on an intelligent dashboard powered by analytics to help you spot trends and respond appropriately. Talk with our team about how Exelare is the tool you need for a new remote world.