

Looking for a Better Way to Hold Your Employees Accountable?

What’s the right way to hold people accountable? There have been countless books written on this topic, and there are all kinds of philosophies and training classes on different techniques. What’s the best way to hold your employees accountable, and how can software help?  What is Accountability?  Accountability means that your employees at every level take responsibility for delivering on their commitments. This is important at every level of your organization, from the c-suite to the newest employee. We’ve all seen companies struggle with this. We’ve experienced managers who get angry at employees, which ultimately does nothing. Instead, accountability in [...]

November 20th, 2020|Management|

Small Business Success: Are You Putting People In the Right Seats?

The best business leaders say that their secret to success has always been to hire the right people for the right job. Many would even say hiring employees that are smarter than the business owner is also the key to success. But how can companies do this? How can you know that you even have the right candidate, let alone the right job bit? We have answers. Understand the Position You’re Hiring For  You can hire great people but set them up to fail by putting them in ill-defined positions or failing to set expectations for their success. That’s why the [...]

November 6th, 2020|Management|

Small Business Success: 4 Tips to Start Creating an Employer Brand

The key to attracting the best candidates today is to develop and maintain an employer brand. But what is an employer brand? What is it so important? How can you create and build your employer brand?    Understanding the Employer Brand  Employer branding is the reputation you have with your employees, candidates, the public, and even your sales targets. From a recruiting perspective, your brand is how outsiders view your company and the values you offer. You use your brand to attract candidates and retain your existing employees. The better your brand, the easier it will be to attract top [...]

October 1st, 2020|Management|

Allow Your Recruiters to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Not everyone can make it as a recruiter. It’s a hard job even when the economy is terrible, and people are begging for jobs. There’s no trick to finding the best talent when you’re overrun with resumes, just a lot of hard work sourcing, screening, and negotiating with candidates and employers to close the deal and get people hired.  Your recruiting and hiring teams need help to keep up with all the tasks associated with the talent finding business. Exelare offers recruiting teams subscription software-as-a-service (SaaS) that can give even the smallest companies a competitive hiring edge. Here’s what Exelare [...]

September 18th, 2020|Management|

Small Business Success: Stay Balanced

Most small business owners would agree that it's hard to find a balance between work and life. Small business owners remain the backbone of the American economy, and they work long hours to launch and build their companies. But as the saying goes, all work and no play make for a difficult life for these entrepreneurs. Here are some tips for the small business owner seeking some balance. Scheduling a Time Out Small business owners need a time out. You cannot work 24/7. Scheduling breaks throughout the day is one way to build a little more balance into your hectic [...]

September 4th, 2020|Management|

Small Business Success: Build Your Online Presence

It’s shocking how many small businesses have failed to develop their online presence. A poll from February 2020 shows 29% of small business owners say they will start their website this year. What’s shocking is that those numbers indicate how many of these entrepreneurs have yet to join the rest of us in the online world. Hubspot puts the number higher, at 50%. Since we’re throwing out numbers, let’s look at another: 87%. That’s the number of consumers that start their product search online. If your business lacks an online presence, the chances are high that you will miss out on many of these [...]

August 7th, 2020|Management|

Difference Between Micromanaging and Leading

The perception of whether your boss is a micromanager or a leader rests with you. How you perceive their behavior around task assignments, projects, and your day to day activity will make you perform well or feel stifled. These feelings can be tied to how you are managed and whether your boss is a leader or a micromanager. For employers, determining how to lead is difficult. Most of us would probably prefer to lead with a carrot and not the big stick. That's the difference between leading and inspiring teams and micromanaging or overly controlling your workers. How does this [...]

July 17th, 2020|Management|

Small Business Success: Prepare for the Unexpected

Cash is always King, but particularly so in the crucial period from startup to midsize business. Generally, this time in the business lifecycle is characterized by funding challenges. Many organizations fail to make it to the next level, where cash flows more smoothly than in those lean startup years.  In light of everything that has happened in 2020 so far, how can your business prepare for hard times? If our “new normal” is a fluctuating economy, what does a small business need to do to stay ahead of the game?  Preparing for the Unexpected with a Cash Reserve  Preparing for [...]

July 3rd, 2020|Management|

4 Business Insights for a Tight Budget

Small business budgets are almost always tight, but now more than ever before. Many small businesses shut down for a time this spring, many have changed their service lines, furloughed or laid off staff, and generally tightened their belts. How can small businesses evolve their budgets to improve cash on hand? What are the solutions for small businesses on a tight budget?  Biggest Budgetary Pain Points for Small Businesses  Managing cash flow (What cash flow?) has always been the most significant pain point for any small business. Resources are limited, and margins are slim for most startups and small businesses. [...]

June 19th, 2020|Management|

Small Business Success: Believe In What You Do

If you don’t believe in your business, it is more likely to fail. Particularly now, when the COVID-19 crisis is devastating so many small companies, many of which may not bounce back from this crisis, it will be the business owners believe in their power to persevere that may mean the difference between reopening and closing forever. Why do small business owners need to believe in what they do? How can negativity impact a company and potentially impact its success or failure?   You Make It Happen  Entrepreneur says, “If you believe that you have the creativity, focus, and discipline to solve [...]

June 5th, 2020|Management|