E-Book – Sourcing 101: How to Uncover Top Talent in the Strangest Places

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Our FREE e-book, Sourcing 101: How to Uncover Top Talent in the Strangest Places, provides recruiters with an easy-to-understand, in-depth guide in how to find the best talent. See an excerpt below!

e-Book: Sourcing 101

Download your FREE copy of our new e-Book: Sourcing 101 How to Uncover Top Talent in the Strangest Places.

X-Ray Searches for LinkedIn

Recruiters across the land have found a number of qualified candidates on Facebook and Twitter, but if you’re looking for the goldmine of talent, you will find it on LinkedIn. It’s clearly the best avenue for locating candidates and for that reason we will focus on it in this chapter. Contacting quality talent on LinkedIn isn’t difficult if you’re aware of some useful search tricks.

Using Recruiting Software

Once upon a time, the job of a recruiter involved long hours spent on the phone and sifting through resumes printed on special paper. The advent of recruiting software changed the game to a substantial degree. Nowadays, a lot of that traditional busywork can be automated and/ or made easier through this type of software. This helps relieve the burdens on overworked recruiters, ensure that no important task gets overlooked in haste, and promote an organized, well-managed workflow. Without a doubt, recruiting software can give you an edge.

The Power of Social Media

Much of contemporary life plays out over social media— in brief messages broadcasted to friends on Twitter, in status updates on Facebook, in conversations that take place on LinkedIn. It’s only natural that the recruiting biz has turned to social media to locate promising job candidates. People have never been so willing to share their personal information for the whole world to see. Social media is a goldmine for recruiters—but only if you know how to use it effectively.