Employee Retention

/Tag:Employee Retention

4 Signs Your Employee is Planning on Leaving

CNBC kicked off this year with a sobering reminder that nearly 70% of Gen Z and millennials are considering leaving their jobs. For obvious reasons, employee retention remains a significant concern for organizations. High turnover rates can be costly and disruptive. With a job market that regularly has nearly 10 million open positions, employers need a leg up on ways to detect possible employee defections from the ranks.  Employers must be proactive in identifying signs that an employee might be planning to leave the company. By recognizing these signs early, employers can address issues, improve engagement, and hopefully, retain valuable talent. Here are [...]

November 22nd, 2023|HR|

4 Ways to Motivate Your Employees to Kick-Off the New Year

Motivating your employees can be tough right now. You’ve probably read the statistics that show 32% of employees are engaged in their work. What should managers do to turn this trend around as we head into the New Year? Strategies to Motivate Your Employees in 2023 If motivating your workforce is challenging, here are four strategies you can apply right now to inspire and engage your team: Clearly communication expectations and goals Employees want to be a part of something greater than themselves. Sit down with your workforce and map out your mission, goals, and expectations. Notice we suggested that you do [...]

January 4th, 2023|HR, Management|

Key Ways to Improve Employee Retention

Employee retention during the Great Resignation is a big issue for most employers. With around 11 million open jobs and more than four million people quitting each month, you have a vested interest in doing what you can to retain your workforce for as long as possible. Here are some key ways to improve employee retention over the coming year. Best Ways to Retain Your Current Staff Start with Hiring Employee retention starts by hiring the right people. You’re looking not only for new employees that fit the job requirements but also that fit the culture you’re bringing them into. Consider screening [...]

November 9th, 2022|HR, Management|

Don’t Lose Your Top Recruiters to Bad Culture

Did the pandemic get your recruiting team down? Try a team-building event to increase morale and productivity. Every company benefits from team builders, they help people communicate and create stronger bonds. Unfortunately, few companies have the kind of time and budget to devote to these events. Here are some tips for maximizing your team-building efforts and best practices this year so you don’t lose your top recruiters to poor culture. How to Improve Culture to Keep Top Talent From Leaving Team Building for Your Recruiting Team Your recruiting teams take a lot of hard knocks in a market like this. [...]

February 16th, 2022|HR, Management|

Small Business Success: Rely on Employee Feedback for Increased Retention

The satisfaction of your workforce is a viable indicator of how long you’ll retain your employees. Employee retention benefits employers who save on the costs of hiring and training. A highly satisfied workforce means that your employees are more engaged and productive. So, employee satisfaction is a key building block in the success of your business. How can companies harness employee feedback to help with retention?  Net Promoter Score for Job Satisfaction  As a staffing provider, your goal is to create a high level of satisfaction in your three key customers: Your internal recruiting team; the candidates they source; and [...]

February 5th, 2021|Management|

Allow Your Recruiters to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Not everyone can make it as a recruiter. It’s a hard job even when the economy is terrible, and people are begging for jobs. There’s no trick to finding the best talent when you’re overrun with resumes, just a lot of hard work sourcing, screening, and negotiating with candidates and employers to close the deal and get people hired.  Your recruiting and hiring teams need help to keep up with all the tasks associated with the talent finding business. Exelare offers recruiting teams subscription software-as-a-service (SaaS) that can give even the smallest companies a competitive hiring edge. Here’s what Exelare [...]

September 18th, 2020|Management|

Difference Between Micromanaging and Leading

The perception of whether your boss is a micromanager or a leader rests with you. How you perceive their behavior around task assignments, projects, and your day to day activity will make you perform well or feel stifled. These feelings can be tied to how you are managed and whether your boss is a leader or a micromanager. For employers, determining how to lead is difficult. Most of us would probably prefer to lead with a carrot and not the big stick. That's the difference between leading and inspiring teams and micromanaging or overly controlling your workers. How does this [...]

July 17th, 2020|Management|

Benefits of Letting Your Recruiters Work Remote

The statistics show us that most employees want to work remotely from the office. Recruiters are no different, but it’s safe to say that most staffing agencies prefer their recruiting teams to work in-house. But here’s the problem; studies also show that employees are much more productive when they work from home. Can recruiters work remotely and still be successful?   Remote Workers Are More Productive   The staffing industry may be the last holdout on the remote work issue; 66% of companies now allow remote workers, and another 16% are fully remote. But there’s still a hard line of management in the staffing [...]

December 20th, 2019|HR, Management|