Employee Retention

/Tag:Employee Retention

Don’t Lose Your Top Recruiters to Bad Culture

Did the pandemic get your recruiting team down? Try a team-building event to increase morale and productivity. Every company benefits from team builders, they help people communicate and create stronger bonds. Unfortunately, few companies have the kind of time and budget to devote to these events. Here are some tips for maximizing your team-building efforts and best practices this year so you don’t lose your top recruiters to poor culture. How to Improve Culture to Keep Top Talent From Leaving Team Building for Your Recruiting Team Your recruiting teams take a lot of hard knocks in a market like this. [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR, Management|

Allow Your Recruiters to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Not everyone can make it as a recruiter. It’s a hard job even when the economy is terrible, and people are begging for jobs. There’s no trick to finding the best talent when you’re overrun with resumes, just a lot of hard work sourcing, screening, and negotiating with candidates and employers to close the deal and get people hired.  Your recruiting and hiring teams need help to keep up with all the tasks associated with the talent finding business. Exelare offers recruiting teams subscription software-as-a-service (SaaS) that can give even the smallest companies a competitive hiring edge. Here’s what Exelare [...]

July 13th, 2024|Management|