Small Business Tips

/Tag:Small Business Tips

Small Business Success: Make Quicker Decisions

Unless you have a magic crystal ball, making fast decisions when you’re a brand-new entrepreneur can be hard. Small business owners are often faced with major forks in the road. These business owners are usually highly aware of the ramifications of making a wrong decision. The problem often is they don’t have the experience with the particular decision area to know which way to turn. Now imagine that you’re a new business owner facing the demand for dozens of these quick decisions each week. Decision fatigue is real, so how can you make a fast decision and not paralyze or [...]

May 7th, 2021|Management|

Small Business Success: Rely on Employee Feedback for Increased Retention

The satisfaction of your workforce is a viable indicator of how long you’ll retain your employees. Employee retention benefits employers who save on the costs of hiring and training. A highly satisfied workforce means that your employees are more engaged and productive. So, employee satisfaction is a key building block in the success of your business. How can companies harness employee feedback to help with retention?  Net Promoter Score for Job Satisfaction  As a staffing provider, your goal is to create a high level of satisfaction in your three key customers: Your internal recruiting team; the candidates they source; and [...]

February 5th, 2021|Management|