
Recruiters, is Juggling Daily Tasks a Struggle?

Today, most recruiters are in the thick of a war for talent that keeps them busy and in demand. There’s a lot of pressure to fill roles, and a lot of work to be done every day, so staying organized and working efficiently is an important part of meeting your goals. Recruiters struggling with time management of their myriad admin tasks can use these strategies to improve their productivity and give themselves a needed boost to win more candidates faster. Tips on Task Juggling Tip #1 – Make a plan One of the best suggestions for managing administrative tasks on [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR, Management|

Are You a Hunter, or Gatherer? The Difference Between Sourcing and Recruiting

Recruiters need a variety of skills in today’s market to find candidates. Unemployment is at a 50-year low, so the process of finding the right talent is, literally, like finding a four-leaf clover in a football field of grass. That’s why the necessary skills and techniques professional recruiters use should include the process of sourcing candidates. But what is the relationship between recruiting and sourcing? Why is sourcing so important today? Can recruiters hunt for candidates today without using sourcing techniques? Here’s how to understand the difference and why you need both. What is Recruiting? Recruiting is the process of [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR|

Want More Placements in a Candidate-Starved Market? Use These 4 Tips to Nurture Passive Candidates

In a 4% labor market, we are all candidate starved. Last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported there were 7.4 million job openings with a hire rate of 5.9 million, falling far short of fulfilling all the roles available. For the first time in two decades, the U.S. economy simply doesn’t have enough workers. This is across all categories, from STEM to blue-collar skilled workers. We are no longer struggling just to find computer software engineers; Vox reports home health aides, restaurant workers, and hotel staff are highly in demand. With so many challenges facing recruiters seeking new talent, [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR, Management|