ATS software

/Tag:ATS software

Small Business Success: Leverage Technology

When it comes to any business, technology is both an enabler and a disruptor. Technology helps small businesses and startups compete with big players in the marketplace. New software tools in the cloud have revolutionized how we do business. How do small organizations benefit from IT? Whether it’s video conferencing to bring remote teams together during global pandemics or sophisticated yet easy-to-use applicant tracking systems to find candidates, today’s small businesses need technology to optimize and streamline their efficiency. Here are some of the benefits of technology in business and why small companies must leverage technology to get ahead. Technology [...]

March 5th, 2021|Management|

How Do Applicant Tracking Systems Work?

If your recruiting team is using an Excel spreadsheet or maybe a customer relationship management (CRM) platform to handle their sourcing, interviewing, and hiring processes, you are operating under a handicap. Today’s applicant tracking systems (ATS) are designed specifically for the recruiting function and they give your team the ability to automate manual tasks that are slowing down your time to hire. Here’s how these platforms work and how they can help your business.  Understanding the ATS  Today, an ATS can help you handle the entire sourcing and hiring process. Many employers rely heavily on these tools to administer the hiring [...]

February 19th, 2021|HR, Management|

4 Tips for Managing Your Candidate Database

It’s unfortunate that the phrase, “garbage in garbage out” is all-too-common in the world of databases. It describes when a perfectly good database software platform becomes mired in a lot of bad information uploaded or typed in by end-users. In the world of recruiting, if you don’t manage your candidate database correctly, you might become acquainted with the phrase. If you fill your database with outdated candidate information, it can create an unwieldy snarl of bad information that slows your recruiters down. Here are four tips to help manage your candidate database so you get the most bang for your [...]

February 12th, 2021|Recruiters|

Is There an Easier Way to Recruit?

It’s a safe bet to assume a key goal of 2021 is to speed up your recruiting process. Having an empty seat in a department places more stress on the entire team. The more time it takes to fill that seat, the more cost and frustration will mount up. That pressure can lead to bad hiring decisions that cost organizations even more money. We have eight ways you can make your recruiting process easier and more effective this year.  Eight Ways to Speed Up Recruiting  Where are the bottlenecks in your recruiting effort? Are you having trouble keeping up with [...]

January 29th, 2021|Recruiters|

How to Write an Email that Will Catch Your Candidates Attention

Identifying the right candidate for the job is the definition of good recruiting. Today’s top candidates do not simply show up. Instead, they require work to define the right fit and then a careful effort to reach out and build the relationship. But what happens if the candidate won’t even respond to your first email. Is there a way to get the attention of the best candidates by crafting the perfect correspondence? We have suggestions that will help.  Draft the Perfect Candidate Email  The first thing you need to craft the perfect email is the right technology to identify the [...]

January 15th, 2021|Recruiters|

The Secret Sauce for Small Business Success

Every entrepreneurial journey is different. But there is one characteristic that every entrepreneur has in common. This trait is the secret sauce that separates those who are brave enough to launch their venture from those that simply dream about it. Confidence is the secret sauce, and it can benefit your business in myriad ways.  How Can Confidence Help Your Business?  Overcoming imposter syndrome is a critical step to launching and sustaining a business. Your vision for business success must overcome any nagging feeling that you aren’t capable of pulling this off. Confidence is a mental health booster that sweeps away [...]

January 8th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Why It’s Important to Invest In a Quality ATS

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are growing more sophisticated. While they can’t take on all of the recruiting functions for your organization, they can automate tasks so that your teams are spending time on what they do best—building relationships and closing deals. In this way, an ATS can contribute significantly to your bottom line by making your team more productive.  There are many ATS platforms on the market today. Why should you invest in these tools, and how can you be sure you’ve made the right choice?  Why Invest in an ATS?  There is simply no better way to handle the [...]

December 17th, 2020|Management|

Small Business Success: Why Do Some Fail and Some Succeed?

You’ve probably heard half of all new businesses fail in their first year. That isn’t exactly true. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is quoted in Investopedia as saying 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first decade. The article stated that only 25% of all new businesses make it to the 15-year mark. However, the point is the same: A lot of businesses simply don’t make it much further than their opening. What is the difference between a business that fails and one that doesn’t? Why do some [...]

December 3rd, 2020|Management|

Identify Your Recruiters Pain Points Before They Quit

Recruiting is a role where you improve the longer you work in a specific position. As recruiters get better at their job, the time to hire process reduces, and efficiencies improve. The last thing you want is for this skilled worker, who has reached their maximum efficiency, to leave. Here are some of the top pain points your recruiter may have today and how you can alleviate them. It's Hard to Get All of My Daily Tasks Organized Recruiting is an incredibly task-intensive process. If your recruiter can't stay organized around their daily activities, they are going to rapidly fall [...]

October 16th, 2020|HR|

Small Business Success: Prepare for the Unexpected

Cash is always King, but particularly so in the crucial period from startup to midsize business. Generally, this time in the business lifecycle is characterized by funding challenges. Many organizations fail to make it to the next level, where cash flows more smoothly than in those lean startup years.  In light of everything that has happened in 2020 so far, how can your business prepare for hard times? If our “new normal” is a fluctuating economy, what does a small business need to do to stay ahead of the game?  Preparing for the Unexpected with a Cash Reserve  Preparing for [...]

July 3rd, 2020|Management|