Remote Lifestyle

/Tag:Remote Lifestyle

Easily Assess Your Remote Workers with Better KPI Tracking

The state of remote work is that it is probably here to stay. During the pandemic, nearly 70% of full-time employees moved to remote working. After COVID, 92% of Americans say they plan on working from home at least one day a week, and 80% say that number is closer to three days a week. Most workers say they are more productive when working from home, and recent studies tend to back this up. But the reality is that employers don’t really know if this is true unless they set up key performance indicators (KPIs) to track these numbers. This blog will help [...]

August 6th, 2021|HR, Management|

4 Questions to Ask When Hiring for a Remote Position

The pandemic created all kinds of changes in how we work. The biggest was the trend that kept people home. By December 2020, more than 40% of the American workforce remained at home. A recent Gartner survey showed 80% of employers say they’re planning on keeping their employees remote after COVID quarantining is over. This creates some challenges for recruiting and hiring teams who now have to screen candidates for their ability to work remotely, many times without ever meeting them in person. What are the best questions to ask to ensure that your remote hire will be successful long after COVID is like [...]

April 23rd, 2021|Recruiters|

Should We Say Goodbye to the Workplace We Knew?

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, everything has changed. Many organizations have implemented work from home policies, while others have shut their doors. Social distancing has eliminated employee happy hours, events, conferences, or anything else where large organizations came together to network and share camaraderie.   Most organizations have switched to video conferencing as the go-to tool for business collaboration. Let’s look at how companies are using these tools and how they will impact organizations long-term long after coronavirus feels like a bad memory.  Remote Work—The New Normal?  Before the coronavirus, there was a quiet but growing movement to work from home. The [...]

May 22nd, 2020|HR|