

How to Prevent Ghosting in 2021

If you’re part of a hiring team, you’ve probably been ghosted. Ghosting is when a candidate just disappears without a return phone call or email. It can happen at any point during the hiring process, up to and including the first day on the job. A 2018 study showed that, of the 1,300 people surveyed, about one-quarter of the participants admitted to ghosting someone, whether it was an employer or someone they were dating.   It’s easy to ghost a recruiter. Just stop returning their calls. But it’s much harder for the recruiting team to figure out a way to make sure this [...]

February 26th, 2021|Recruiters|

4 Tips for Managing Your Candidate Database

It’s unfortunate that the phrase, “garbage in garbage out” is all-too-common in the world of databases. It describes when a perfectly good database software platform becomes mired in a lot of bad information uploaded or typed in by end-users. In the world of recruiting, if you don’t manage your candidate database correctly, you might become acquainted with the phrase. If you fill your database with outdated candidate information, it can create an unwieldy snarl of bad information that slows your recruiters down. Here are four tips to help manage your candidate database so you get the most bang for your [...]

February 12th, 2021|Recruiters|

Is There an Easier Way to Recruit?

It’s a safe bet to assume a key goal of 2021 is to speed up your recruiting process. Having an empty seat in a department places more stress on the entire team. The more time it takes to fill that seat, the more cost and frustration will mount up. That pressure can lead to bad hiring decisions that cost organizations even more money. We have eight ways you can make your recruiting process easier and more effective this year.  Eight Ways to Speed Up Recruiting  Where are the bottlenecks in your recruiting effort? Are you having trouble keeping up with [...]

January 29th, 2021|Recruiters|

How to Write an Email that Will Catch Your Candidates Attention

Identifying the right candidate for the job is the definition of good recruiting. Today’s top candidates do not simply show up. Instead, they require work to define the right fit and then a careful effort to reach out and build the relationship. But what happens if the candidate won’t even respond to your first email. Is there a way to get the attention of the best candidates by crafting the perfect correspondence? We have suggestions that will help.  Draft the Perfect Candidate Email  The first thing you need to craft the perfect email is the right technology to identify the [...]

January 15th, 2021|Recruiters|

What Makes Candidates Abandon Applications Before Finishing

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reports 60% of job seekers abandon their online applications. That should be a huge red flag for recruiters well before they get the bill for their cost-per-click recruiting models or end up with a flawed candidate selection during the hiring process. While many enterprise organizations still believe that lengthy applications mean a better and more determined caliber of a candidate, that is outdated thinking not suited for the modern era of cell phones and other forms of digital communications. What are you doing wrong? Why are your best candidates leaving their cart half full?  Why [...]

December 24th, 2020|Recruiters|

How to Take a Step Back From Work When You Are Stressed

2020 is full of challenging news, and CNBC reported in October that the number of adults with depression has tripled in the U.S. since the COVID-19 pandemic began. A study in JAMA Network says one in four American adults are currently experiencing depression. Some of this worry is related to employment stressors as fully 50% of the U.S. now works from home. How can you take a step back from work when it’s as close as the laptop on your kitchen table? How can you develop boundaries between office time and home time when the locations for both are the same? This article will help you [...]

December 10th, 2020|Recruiters|

Build a Successful Candidate Follow-Up Strategy

Many recruiters don’t have a solid candidate follow-up strategy, which leaves them vulnerable to ghosting and candidate poaching from other firms. Why does this matter? The recruiter with the best follow-up strategy will land the best, most in-demand candidates. Here are some tips for how to build that strategy and win the candidate every time.  Treat the Candidate Like Your Customer  The best recruiters treat candidates like a valued customer. This includes rejected candidates, who should always be treated respectfully, even if they were less-than-desirable as candidates or even if they behaved rudely. The goal is always to treat the [...]

November 27th, 2020|Recruiters|

Are You Revisiting Your Runner-Up Candidates?

There is a pool of applicants that we are almost certain you’ve forgotten. Runner-up or silver medal candidates were practically perfect—but they were edged out by the gold medal winner, sometimes, just like in the Olympics, by inches. Why is it important to go back to your runner-ups, and how can they help your business?  Benefits of Hiring the Runner-Up Candidates  Revisiting the runner-up candidate pool has some advantages. For example:  These candidates have already been screened. They may have gone through multiple interviews, learned more about your culture, and at least partially, or perhaps nearly totally, been deemed a [...]

November 13th, 2020|Recruiters|

Do Your Control Your Work Day?

Is your day running you, or are you running your day? It’s easy to feel like our schedules are running us ragged. If you’re constantly interrupted by instant messages, texting, or email or spend too much time getting caught up on the Internet, you’re likely going to be less productive than you can be. We have a few tips for how to regain control of your workday to become more effective. Plan Out Your Day in Advance If you’re still working from home, you could even consider getting up a little early to set out your schedule and goals for [...]

October 23rd, 2020|Recruiters|

Recruiters, Beat Your Phone Interview Stressors

Recruiting can be stressful for the recruiter in addition to the applicant. Every recruiter has a favorite and least favorite part of the job. One of the toughest interviewing venues to master is the telephone. There are no facial expressions, just the sound of voices on a phone interview, and this can be stressful for the recruiter. But we have a few tips that can help you get better at what is one of the trickiest parts of the recruiting job. Tip #1 Be Prepared The last thing you want to feel when you’re uncomfortable being on the phone is [...]

September 25th, 2020|Recruiters|