ATS in Dallas TX

/Tag:ATS in Dallas TX

Small Business Success: Developing Personal Business Values

Your core business values are important for attracting customers, investors, and employees. Developing personal and business characteristics may even help you achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Here’s why personal business values matter and how you can use these passion-driven characteristics to improve your business.  Why Personal Business Values Matter  Your business values mean something. They represent the beliefs behind the decisions that drive your actions. For entrepreneurs, personal values often correlate directly with business values, in large part because when you’re running a small business or a start-up, it’s all-consuming; your life is your work. Personal business values [...]

February 7th, 2020|Management|

Cut Your Admin Time in Half and Get Back to Recruiting

How much time do your recruiters waste on mundane tasks? The answer is probably a lot. From resume reviews to scheduling interviews, our recruiters today are feeling more pressure than ever but still spending far too much time not working smarter, but instead slogging through tasks that software could automate. What are we doing wrong, and how can the right applicant tracking system make a difference?   Automate or Perish  Today’s recruiters need to wear a lot of hats to find the right talent. They must be networkers, data scientists, and salespeople, as they review resumes, look for online candidates, interview, [...]

January 24th, 2020|HR, Management|

Is It Time to Let Your Recruiters Work From Anywhere?

A remote workforce is coming to an office near you. In 2019, 66% of our workforce is now working remote at least part of the week. It's a model that's very humane; workers save significant money and time on their commute, employers keep on building overhead costs, and a Stanford study says remote workers are more productive and happier. From sales teams to programmers, the modern workforce is adapting to the work-from-home revolution. But is it time for staffing agencies to loosen the reins and allow their recruiters to do the same thing?  Remote Workers are More Productive, Not Less  In recruiting, we live [...]

January 17th, 2020|HR, Management|

3 Things that Makes a Job Description Appeal to Candidates

Recruiters need a variety of skills to land top candidates. They must be articulate, intelligent, and personable. They must be persistent and have excellent follow-through. But they must also have writing skills that allow them to come up with intriguing and informative job descriptions to attract candidates to the roles they’re hiring. Since most jobs start with a job description and ad placed on a job board, what the recruiter writes is vitally essential to attracting candidates. Here are some tips for improving the quality of your next job description.   Writing a Better Ad   There are some basic tenets when [...]

January 10th, 2020|HR, Management|

Small Business Success: New Year, New Vision

2020 will likely be a challenging year for your small business. Recruiting is still a challenge for most small companies, along with competitive markets and fickle consumer spending habits. However, there is one document that small businesses need that will help guide their success in the New Year despite the challenges that we predict. That document is a vision statement, and it’s an essential part of a small business plan. Here’s how to create one and use it to your advantage.  Small Business Vision 101  The corporate vision statement is an addition to your business plan that defines why you [...]

January 3rd, 2020|Management|

Tips for Improving Your Time Management at Work

If you’re a recruiter, time is not on your side. Clients are clamoring for new talent now, and your managers are adding to the pressure. But recruiting is incredibly labor-intensive, so time management is more than a goal; to be successful, it is a necessity. This article will help you learn some tricks for time management that will help you be more effective in your job.   Close More Candidates by Improving Your Time Management   In recruiting, the more you hustle, the more you earn. But if you look at the top recruiters that consistently place candidates, they aren’t frantic. There’s a methodology [...]

December 27th, 2019|HR, Management|

Benefits of Letting Your Recruiters Work Remote

The statistics show us that most employees want to work remotely from the office. Recruiters are no different, but it’s safe to say that most staffing agencies prefer their recruiting teams to work in-house. But here’s the problem; studies also show that employees are much more productive when they work from home. Can recruiters work remotely and still be successful?   Remote Workers Are More Productive   The staffing industry may be the last holdout on the remote work issue; 66% of companies now allow remote workers, and another 16% are fully remote. But there’s still a hard line of management in the staffing [...]

December 20th, 2019|HR, Management|

3 Alternatives to Spending Your Day Cold Calling Job Applicants

Recruiters are continually hunting for job candidates. There are a variety of techniques to fill job orders. One of them is the dreaded cold call. Many times, staffing agencies tie a key performance indicator (KPI) onto the number of cold calls recruiters make. But no one likes cold calls. Is there a better way?   In this article, we’ll teach you how to turn your cold calls into warm calls and use the right technology to make you more successful, efficient, and profitable.   Warm-Up Cold Candidates   Most recruiters have a job requirement to make cold calls. We all hate them, no matter how [...]

December 13th, 2019|HR, Management|

Small Business Success: Finding Loyal Employees

Most employers understand the challenges of hiring today. Historic unemployment has put the power firmly in the hands of workers who often have their choice of jobs. Small business owners often cannot compete with larger competitors who offer better benefits and salaries. But hiring is one problem. Retention is another.   Today, the statistics tell us that over 80% of your full-time workers are already looking at other opportunities. In this environment, how can small business owners find and retain loyal employees?   The Market Reality   Millennials, Gen Y, and Gen Z are always connected. This means that job alerts and new opportunities are [...]

December 6th, 2019|HR, Management|

Tired of Spending Half Your Day Posting Jobs to Several Different Platforms?

Job boards play an essential role in the candidate search process, offering significant benefits to recruiters by reaching thousands of job seekers. Unfortunately, manual job posting can take hours. For recruiters, this means wasting time formatting to fit the job board and a manual process of posting page by page, platform by platform.   If your recruiting team is approaching job ads with a manual, time-consuming process, you’re doing it wrong. Modern applicant tracking systems (ATS) platforms take the manual process and automate it. Here’s how Exelare ATS can help your team save time, and your business save money with the [...]

November 22nd, 2019|Recruiters|