Dallas TX Staffing Firm

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Micromanaging Your Recruiters? Say Goodbye to High Retention

Forbes did a research survey of more than 14,000 people and found only 11% of employees want their bosses to tell them what to do. Honestly, that’s about 10% more than we would have guessed. Micromanaging your employees is something that most leaders would probably recognize as a bad idea. But if the employee is a recruiter, micromanagement is something that simply will not fly. Here’s why. The Negative Impact of Micromanaging Your Recruiting Team Micromanagement makes an employee feel like they can’t make a move without their boss hovering over them. It’s highly demotivating for any employee, but for a [...]

January 28th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Eliminate Hours Spent Sourcing Resumes

Candidate sourcing is so time-consuming, it has developed a job title all its own. In the past, recruiters handled the sourcing, interviewing, and closing; and in some companies, they still do. However, the idea of sourcing as its own position has gradually come into its own. Here’s how Exelare’s candidate sourcing service could help your team close more candidates faster to meet your hiring goals. Understanding the Sourcing Function in Your Recruiting Team Sourcers are the armchair detectives of the recruiting world. Sourcing is a proactive process. Instead of reactively waiting for a resume to be submitted for a job, [...]

January 21st, 2022|HR, Recruiters|

Will the Great Resignation of 2021 Spill into 2022?

The latest polls are out, and there’s some grim news for employers: The Great Resignation isn’t over yet. What is driving this phenomenon, and why are people quitting their jobs in record numbers? What can employers do to prepare for what 2022 will bring us? What is the Great Resignation of 2021? The Great Resignation, also known as The Big Quit, is probably already affecting your business this year. The phenomenon is driven by fed-up workers who are quitting their jobs in record numbers. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports four million Americans quit their jobs in July 2021. By the [...]

January 7th, 2022|Management|

4 Signs You Could be More Effective at Managing Your Team

The data is in, and it says the chances are high that you’re not doing an excellent job as a manager. Why do we say this? The latest research shows 57% of employees leave because of their boss. People quit bosses, not companies, the research concludes, and in the era of employee shortages, this could spell problems for any company. How can you be more effective at managing your team? Even more importantly, how can you change your leadership style so that more employees respect and want to work with you? 4 Warning Signs for Managers If these things start to happen [...]

December 3rd, 2021|Management|

Separating the Serious Applicants from the “Ehhhh…Why Not Apply”

Recruiting would be fun if it weren’t for the people. Okay, this is a joke; however, we’ve all dealt with difficult candidates, troublesome clients, job reqs that come and go, and even candidates that ghost us. Recruiting is very hard work, particularly in the kinds of markets we’re experiencing today. Candidates have a lot of job choices. That makes them harder to attract and retain long enough to get an offer in their hands. One type of candidate is those passive job seekers that throw their hat in the ring but back out before you even get to the offer. [...]

November 26th, 2021|Recruiters|

5 Effective Methods to Build a Team of Leaders

Hiring is always one of the most difficult parts of running a business. Putting together a team to do the work is the baseline for productivity. But it’s the management and leadership team that is absolutely critical to the success of your company. Here are some tips for building an effective leadership team to help run your business. 1. Empower your teams Of course, you can hire great leaders, but you should also work on building them within your existing team. You can begin to build leadership in your lower-level staffers by empowering them with autonomy on the job. Micromanaging [...]

November 5th, 2021|Management|

Catch Potential Bottlenecks in Your Recruiting Process Before They Happen

Bottlenecks can stymie a process. It can thwart innovation. For recruiting teams, a bottleneck can slow down the hiring process to the point where candidates become frustrated and walk away. What’s the answer to curb bottlenecks? Can technology help us smooth out the awkwardness and keep things running smoothly toward your goal? What’s a Bottleneck? Bottlenecks are anything that blocks a workflow from reaching its conclusion. They are production stalling hiccups in what is hopefully a normally smooth process. There are three ways bottlenecks can affect your recruiting process: Short-term bottlenecks probably happen pretty frequently in your job. This could be [...]

October 1st, 2021|HR, Tips & Tricks|

Why It’s Important to Invest In a Quality ATS

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are growing more sophisticated. While they can’t take on all of the recruiting functions for your organization, they can automate tasks so that your teams are spending time on what they do best—building relationships and closing deals. In this way, an ATS can contribute significantly to your bottom line by making your team more productive.  There are many ATS platforms on the market today. Why should you invest in these tools, and how can you be sure you’ve made the right choice?  Why Invest in an ATS?  There is simply no better way to handle the [...]

December 17th, 2020|Management|

Recruiters, Beat Your Phone Interview Stressors

Recruiting can be stressful for the recruiter in addition to the applicant. Every recruiter has a favorite and least favorite part of the job. One of the toughest interviewing venues to master is the telephone. There are no facial expressions, just the sound of voices on a phone interview, and this can be stressful for the recruiter. But we have a few tips that can help you get better at what is one of the trickiest parts of the recruiting job. Tip #1 Be Prepared The last thing you want to feel when you’re uncomfortable being on the phone is [...]

September 25th, 2020|Recruiters|

Are You Using Modern Tools to Help Recruit?

Recruiting is a tricky business. When unemployment is low, it’s incredibly challenging to find top talent. When unemployment is high, you have hundreds of resumes to sort through to find top talent. In both cases, your applicant tracking system (ATS) can help you work smarter. What tools should you be using today to give your recruiting efforts a competitive edge?  What to Look for in an ATS  The majority of recruiters are likely familiar with ATS platforms as a centralized repository for candidate information. Companies can track all candidate data, including resumes, testing, and interview notes from one hub. However, [...]

September 11th, 2020|Recruiters|