
Best Practices for Harvesting Niche Resumes

Niche recruiting is a precise process. Specialization can save time wasted reviewing piles of unqualified resumes. Niche recruiting is less about the job board and more about precision targeting of the best candidates with exactly the right skills. Niche recruiting is especially important now, when so many people are out of work, placing a job board ad is sure to flood your hiring teams with a lot of candidates that are nowhere near qualified.  Here are some best practices for harvesting niche resumes and finding better candidates for your most skilled positions.   Start with the Job Description  Every job starts with a [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR|

Finding a Needle in a Haystack Candidate

Every recruiter knows the best candidates are already employed. It doesn’t matter what the unemployment roster looks like; the best talent is highly sought after and rarely easily available. That makes a recruiter with the ability to find and source passive candidates some of the most skilled in the industry today. If you don’t actively look for passive job candidates as a regular part of your day, this article will give you tips to get started and become more successful.  Passive Candidate Sourcing 101  Research shows that passive job candidates are 120% more likely to make a big positive splash at their [...]

July 13th, 2024|Recruiters|

Want More Placements in a Candidate-Starved Market? Use These 4 Tips to Nurture Passive Candidates

In a 4% labor market, we are all candidate starved. Last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported there were 7.4 million job openings with a hire rate of 5.9 million, falling far short of fulfilling all the roles available. For the first time in two decades, the U.S. economy simply doesn’t have enough workers. This is across all categories, from STEM to blue-collar skilled workers. We are no longer struggling just to find computer software engineers; Vox reports home health aides, restaurant workers, and hotel staff are highly in demand. With so many challenges facing recruiters seeking new talent, [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR, Management|