

Key Ways to Improve Employee Retention

Employee retention during the Great Resignation is a big issue for most employers. With around 11 million open jobs and more than four million people quitting each month, you have a vested interest in doing what you can to retain your workforce for as long as possible. Here are some key ways to improve employee retention over the coming year. Best Ways to Retain Your Current Staff Start with Hiring Employee retention starts by hiring the right people. You’re looking not only for new employees that fit the job requirements but also that fit the culture you’re bringing them into. Consider screening [...]

November 9th, 2022|HR, Management|

Identify Your Recruiters Pain Points Before They Quit

Recruiting is a role where you improve the longer you work in a specific position. As recruiters get better at their job, the time to hire process reduces, and efficiencies improve. The last thing you want is for this skilled worker, who has reached their maximum efficiency, to leave. Here are some of the top pain points your recruiter may have today and how you can alleviate them. It's Hard to Get All of My Daily Tasks Organized Recruiting is an incredibly task-intensive process. If your recruiter can't stay organized around their daily activities, they are going to rapidly fall [...]

October 16th, 2020|HR|

Small Business Success: Finding Loyal Employees

Most employers understand the challenges of hiring today. Historic unemployment has put the power firmly in the hands of workers who often have their choice of jobs. Small business owners often cannot compete with larger competitors who offer better benefits and salaries. But hiring is one problem. Retention is another.   Today, the statistics tell us that over 80% of your full-time workers are already looking at other opportunities. In this environment, how can small business owners find and retain loyal employees?   The Market Reality   Millennials, Gen Y, and Gen Z are always connected. This means that job alerts and new opportunities are [...]

December 6th, 2019|HR, Management|