
Industries Served by Exelare

The latest and best recruiting, sales, and customer service software combines modern applicant tracking features with powerful analytics, easy search, storage features, and more. These tools are one part customer relationship management (CRM) software and one part applicant tracking system (ATS). They pull the best from both worlds for a more usable and useful tool. Most of these new applications also leverage a foundation of artificial intelligence algorithms in the code. These features make the software more intelligent and intuitive. But how can these modern features make an ATS better, and how does Exelare apply these benefits across multiple industries? [...]

February 8th, 2023|Management, Recruiters|

Why Use Exelare’s Sales and CRM Platform

We won’t name names, but there are several wildly popular sales and CRM platforms out there that are anything but user-friendly. Can you think of a few? These platforms may have been great five or 10-years ago, but the truth is that software has modernized and become so easy to use that the latest iterations of CRMs are so much better than the old platforms. Let’s explore the old vs. new CRM debate to learn why Exelare’s Sales and CRM software is light years ahead of the traditional “Cadillac” customer relationship management platforms. What are The Benefits of Using Exelare's [...]

June 15th, 2022|Management|

Allow Your Recruiters to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Not everyone can make it as a recruiter. It’s a hard job even when the economy is terrible, and people are begging for jobs. There’s no trick to finding the best talent when you’re overrun with resumes, just a lot of hard work sourcing, screening, and negotiating with candidates and employers to close the deal and get people hired.  Your recruiting and hiring teams need help to keep up with all the tasks associated with the talent finding business. Exelare offers recruiting teams subscription software-as-a-service (SaaS) that can give even the smallest companies a competitive hiring edge. Here’s what Exelare [...]

September 18th, 2020|Management|