
/Robin Walters

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So far Robin Walters has created 106 blog entries.

Text Message Recruitment: What to Say

Texting is now the top tool in your recruiting bag of tricks. The latest data shows 97% of text messages are opened whereas email has only a 15% open rate. Exelare can back this up with our own data from our clients. When using the Exelare ATS, recruiters have much more success texting over emailing or calling. This means you’re much more likely to get a response—faster. How can recruiters use texting effectively? This blog offers tips including a few template samples that will get you noticed. Are You Texting Candidates? How and When to Use Texting The answer to when [...]

March 30th, 2022|Recruiters|

What To Look for When Hiring the Best Recruiters

What makes a good recruiter? It’s a question plaguing companies right now because the reality is that there are more open recruiter positions than even tech roles. Just about everyone needs help hiring. So, for the limited pool of recruiters on the market, how can you select the best one for your company? We have the criteria you’re looking for to help you hire. Hiring a Recruiter? Here is What to Look For Top Traits of the Best Recruiters The best recruiters incorporate hybrid skills into a job that requires creativity, organization, and people skills. The job requires many of the same [...]

March 23rd, 2022|HR, Management|

How Exelare Can Help You with Building and Managing Call Lists?

Today, the early recruiter gets the worm. By this, we mean that waiting on a candidate to apply for a job doesn’t work. Instead, the recruiter must develop call lists of passive candidates and reach out to them regularly to nurture them into the candidate pipeline. Hiring the best talent requires research and building a good list of quality candidates. How can an applicant tracking system like Exelare help recruiters build a better list to reach their hiring goals? Here is How Exelare Can Help You Best Practices for Building a Good Call List Sourcing candidates is hard. Some of [...]

March 16th, 2022|Recruiters|

Are Your Recruiters Falling Short of Their KPIs? We Know Why

KPIs should be a carrot and not a stick if you’re managing your recruiters properly. This is particularly important in a candidate market where it seems like everything is stacked against us. If your recruiters are falling short of their KPIs, it could be the market or it could be that you’re using KPIs in a way that doesn’t motivate your team to do their best work.  Some people view key performance indicators (KPIs) as a kind of necessary evil. They’re a way to follow a path toward turning a candidate into an employee. KPIs are an “if you build [...]

March 9th, 2022|Management|

Do You Know How to Effectively Re-Engage with Candidates?

How to Re-Engage Candidates Your applicant tracking system (ATS) has mass activity automation that lets you reach piles of candidates with a message. But is that really the best way to engage and re-engage with your candidate pool? It seems like recruiting teams have KPIs that are strictly a numbers game. More candidates equal a higher chance that you’ll find someone to fit the job, right? But what about all of those candidates that are in your database already that you didn’t look at? Are you really working smarter when you open a new job search? Here’s how to re-engage [...]

February 23rd, 2022|HR, Management, Recruiters|

Don’t Lose Your Top Recruiters to Bad Culture

Did the pandemic get your recruiting team down? Try a team-building event to increase morale and productivity. Every company benefits from team builders, they help people communicate and create stronger bonds. Unfortunately, few companies have the kind of time and budget to devote to these events. Here are some tips for maximizing your team-building efforts and best practices this year so you don’t lose your top recruiters to poor culture. How to Improve Culture to Keep Top Talent From Leaving Team Building for Your Recruiting Team Your recruiting teams take a lot of hard knocks in a market like this. [...]

February 16th, 2022|HR, Management|

Hiring a Candidate Is Like Going on a Blind Date, Check Their Social Media First

A background check is one thing but a social media check takes things to a whole new level. Recruiting teams and hiring managers should take time to review the social posts of a potential hire just like they would review a background check. What is a social media background check and why should you do it? Why It Is Important To Check a Candidates Social Media What is a Social Media Background Check? A social media background check looks at the posts and profiles of the candidates you’re considering for a job. They can be conducted by professional screening firms, [...]

February 9th, 2022|HR, Management, Recruiters|

Experiencing Workplace Dysfunction? Here are 3 Tips for SMBs

As we launch a new year, there’s never been a better time to tackle the workplace dysfunction that’s been holding you back. Increased productivity, improved retention, and even attracting a better caliber of new candidates are all the results of improving your workplace culture, workflows, and processes. If you sense your workplace getting off track, here’s how to fix the dysfunction and improve your business. How to Deal with Workplace Dysfunction Understanding Workplace Dysfunction Workplace dysfunction happens when members of your team lack confidence or the desire to work together toward a common goal. This phenomenon is like cancer; it [...]

February 2nd, 2022|Management|

Micromanaging Your Recruiters? Say Goodbye to High Retention

Forbes did a research survey of more than 14,000 people and found only 11% of employees want their bosses to tell them what to do. Honestly, that’s about 10% more than we would have guessed. Micromanaging your employees is something that most leaders would probably recognize as a bad idea. But if the employee is a recruiter, micromanagement is something that simply will not fly. Here’s why. The Negative Impact of Micromanaging Your Recruiting Team Micromanagement makes an employee feel like they can’t make a move without their boss hovering over them. It’s highly demotivating for any employee, but for a [...]

January 28th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Eliminate Hours Spent Sourcing Resumes

Candidate sourcing is so time-consuming, it has developed a job title all its own. In the past, recruiters handled the sourcing, interviewing, and closing; and in some companies, they still do. However, the idea of sourcing as its own position has gradually come into its own. Here’s how Exelare’s candidate sourcing service could help your team close more candidates faster to meet your hiring goals. Understanding the Sourcing Function in Your Recruiting Team Sourcers are the armchair detectives of the recruiting world. Sourcing is a proactive process. Instead of reactively waiting for a resume to be submitted for a job, [...]

January 21st, 2022|HR, Recruiters|