Tips & Tricks

/Tips & Tricks

3 Ways to Continue Recruiting During the Holiday Season

November and December can be traditionally slow times for hiring. But recruiting needs can shoot off like a cannon in January. This fact suggests that your recruiting team should continue sourcing candidates during the holiday season instead of holding back. We have three ways you can continue recruiting this holiday season, building a robust pipeline of candidates so you will be ahead of the game when 2023 starts. How to Keep Recruiting During the Holidays 1. Clean up your database from the last 11 months. An up-to-date database is a gold mine of candidate information. Keeping it up-to-date takes time [...]

July 13th, 2024|Management, Recruiters, Tips & Tricks, Uncategorized|

Prevent Candidate Ghosting with Recruiting Agency Software

We tend to think of “ghosting” as it relates to online dating and social media. The term refers to the act of severing all ties and communication with someone suddenly, and without any warning. And while this certainly happens between people texting and in the world of sites like Tinder, it also happens in the staffing and recruiting field.   It’s entirely possible for candidates to ghost your recruiters, dropping all communication and simply vanishing. And a recent study by Indeed shows that it happens more often than you might think – 28 percent of candidates ghosted recruiters in 2021, up [...]

July 13th, 2024|Recruiters, Tips & Tricks|

Infographic – Mastering the Recruitment Funnel

Mastering the recruitment funnel can be a challenging experience until you understand the components that go into it. Candidate sourcing is all about proactively finding candidates through multiple tools and then presenting them to the client. The first step is finding candidates through listings, whether it is on the company’s career site or other job boards. Also, social media is an enormous tool that is quickly growing. LinkedIn is one of the most professional and user-friendly tools when it comes to the job market. Facebook and Twitter can also be used. Using the correct applicant software is important as well. [...]

July 13th, 2024|New Features, Tips & Tricks|

4 Tips on How to Nurture Candidates

If you’ve been following this blog, you already know that we advocate a long-term approach to recruiting whenever this is feasible—that is, you should have a pool of talented people with whom you develop an ongoing professional relationship so candidates can be called upon at a moment’s notice if an appropriate opportunity should arise. Sometimes this approach doesn’t work, as when a client has a specialized opening that requires the recruiter to locate brand-new candidates on a tight deadline. Nonetheless, the nurturing of a candidate pool should be considered part and parcel of the recruiter’s job. Yet, how can the [...]

July 13th, 2024|New Features, Tips & Tricks, Webinars & Training|

5 Things Your Recruiting Business Should Invest In

What is the secret to success? This is the kind of question that tends to be answered by a lot of well-worn clichés: work hard, stay positive, don’t give up, etc., but as a recruiting professional, you need to do more than just hang a few motivational posters around the office. You need to figure out how to allocate your resources—time and money—to the right places. In that spirit, let’s look at five aspects of recruiting to which you should devote special attention. Candidate sourcing – You need to be proactive in finding suitable candidates for your clients. Among other [...]

July 13th, 2024|New Features, Tips & Tricks|

Tips for High-Volume Recruiting

It’s a familiar scenario for recruiters everywhere: too much to do and too little time to explore too few options. In the world of high-volume recruiting, however, the pressures exerted by deadlines and uncompleted tasks are exponentially worse. By “high-volume recruiting,” we’re simply referring to the practice of filling a large number of positions. In the public mind this practice is most frequently associated with seasonal retail employment, when companies must temporarily increase their staff to address a surge in consumer demand (e.g., the Christmas shopping season), but it occurs as well with corporations that are rapidly expanding the scope [...]

July 13th, 2024|Tips & Tricks|