Applicant tracking systems (ATS) have come a long way since their inception 15-years ago. The latest platforms are empowered with better user interfaces and smarter automation that makes use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to improve your workflows. 

Of course, you might not know any of this if it’s been a few years since you had an upgrade. What are the signs it’s time to think about making use of these new ATS features? Even better, what are the top four ways you can illustrate to your boss that it’s time for a change?

1. You Still Rely on Email or Slack to Share Candidate Details.

An ATS from a decade ago doesn’t build upon a truly collaborative process. Modern ATS functionality allows everyone to view a collective hub where all candidate data is stored. Your hiring teams can add their input directly into the candidate record. You’re not reliant on voicemail, email, and saved files sent between hiring and interview teams. Even better, these platforms are mobile-friendly and app-based so that you can dial up candidate details from any smart device. Today’s tools let you provide candidate ratings in real-time, which allows you to move faster to catch the best talent before they get away.

2. Reporting and Analytics is Manual and Unwieldy.

Relying on manual processes to pull candidate details is so 1990. If you still have a spreadsheet of candidates that you work from, you are falling behind the times. You should have an ATS that is the single source of truth for all the data most relevant to your hiring process. Two clicks should yield a report on which job boards provide the best candidates, how long it takes to hire, and much more.

3. You’re Still Relying on Marketing and IT to Help with Ads, Placement, and Landing Pages.

Back in the day, recruiting teams needed IT to help them get ads up on their careers page. They may need marketing to help build a branded landing page where candidates could apply. Those applicants may even have gone in an email to a hiring manager in a manual process. None of this can be considered “working smarter.” Today’s ATS tools allow you to automatically update your careers page with a tailored job description. The sophisticated software instantly launches a landing page for the job and links it with search engines. These tools also distribute your jobs to job boards. On the back end, you can manage all of your ads from one seamless hub.

4. You Manage External Recruiters Manually.

Nope. No one wants this kind of complexity, especially when you have multiple open reqs and a host of recruiters banging down your door with candidates. How can you control search firms that are emailing candidates directly to your hiring managers? The answer is a modern ATS that controls and filters the process by placing all resumes in your ATS, along with search firms and recruiting agencies. This allows you to analyze the delivery of each specific agency, control costs, and manage the candidate experience.

Exelare is the modern ATS you’ve been waiting for.

We offer all of the features and benefits we’ve described in a cutting-edge candidate management platform—and many more features that we haven’t even mentioned yet. Stop living in the past. You owe it to your hiring team to modernize your ATS. Call on us today for a demo and improve your time to hire.