
Are You Wearing Several Hats Due to Employee Turnover?

Employee turnover is at an unprecedented high. Global consulting firm Gartner predicts employee turnover will increase by almost 20% above the national average this year. That’s 37.4 million Americans predicted to quit this year alone. What happens to the business owners and managers left behind when employees exercise their rights to move on? The answer is that they put on more hats, work longer hours, and potentially, burn out. What can you do to buck this trend? How to Reduce Wearing Multiple Hats When an Employee Leaves How to Protect Yourself When Employees Leave The first thing to consider when facing lots [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: Management|Tags: , |

Why Use Exelare’s Recruiting KPI Dashboard & Reporting Systems

A reporting dashboard puts you in the driver’s seat. These smart software tools give managers and owners a level of transparency and scrutiny that can improve the performance of your entire team. This blog will look at the idea of IT reporting dashboards and the specific features offered by Exelare that are so effective in improving your bottom line. What Are The Benefits of Using Exelare's Recruiting KPI Dashboard & Reporting Systems What is a Reporting Dashboard? When you need to know, a reporting dashboard gives unprecedented access into the activities that can make or break your business. Companies often [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: Management, Recruiters|Tags: , , , |

Rejected: How to Best Tell Your Candidate They Did Not Get the Job

No one likes to lose. No one wants to be the one to tell people they lost, either. Telling a candidate they didn’t get the job is one of the hardest things a recruiter has to do. After a candidate has been through your process they have skin in the game—and so do you. It’s a disappointment to both the candidate and their recruiter when they don’t make the cut. Here’s how to let a candidate down easy, both verbally and in an email. How to Tell a Candidate They Did Not Qualify For the Position Writing a Better Rejection [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: HR, Recruiters|Tags: , |

Don’t Lose Your Top Recruiters to Bad Culture

Did the pandemic get your recruiting team down? Try a team-building event to increase morale and productivity. Every company benefits from team builders, they help people communicate and create stronger bonds. Unfortunately, few companies have the kind of time and budget to devote to these events. Here are some tips for maximizing your team-building efforts and best practices this year so you don’t lose your top recruiters to poor culture. How to Improve Culture to Keep Top Talent From Leaving Team Building for Your Recruiting Team Your recruiting teams take a lot of hard knocks in a market like this. [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: HR, Management|Tags: , , , |

How Exelare Can Help You with Building and Managing Call Lists?

Today, the early recruiter gets the worm. By this, we mean that waiting on a candidate to apply for a job doesn’t work. Instead, the recruiter must develop call lists of passive candidates and reach out to them regularly to nurture them into the candidate pipeline. Hiring the best talent requires research and building a good list of quality candidates. How can an applicant tracking system like Exelare help recruiters build a better list to reach their hiring goals? Here is How Exelare Can Help You Best Practices for Building a Good Call List Sourcing candidates is hard. Some of [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: Recruiters|Tags: , , , , |

Do You Know How to Effectively Re-Engage with Candidates?

How to Re-Engage Candidates Your applicant tracking system (ATS) has mass activity automation that lets you reach piles of candidates with a message. But is that really the best way to engage and re-engage with your candidate pool? It seems like recruiting teams have KPIs that are strictly a numbers game. More candidates equal a higher chance that you’ll find someone to fit the job, right? But what about all of those candidates that are in your database already that you didn’t look at? Are you really working smarter when you open a new job search? Here’s how to re-engage [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: HR, Management, Recruiters|Tags: , , |