ATS for Recruiters

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What Advantages Does an ATS Software Provide to Staffing and Recruiting Firms?

Every organization has unique processes, but each one thrives by sourcing and hiring talent with the skills and experience to make a positive impact. With hundreds—and sometimes thousands—of resumes submitted, how can companies locate the best talent efficiently? Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software can help recruiters and employers hire and do other vital staffing and recruiting functions. From scanning resumes for job-related keywords to tracking candidates throughout the hiring process, ATS software for staffing agencies can improve database functionality and make it easier to filter, manage, and evaluate candidates.  Let’s Explore 5 Valuable Benefits an ATS Software Provides for Staffing [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR, Management, Recruiters|

Finding Passive Candidates in their Natural Habitat

The reality of today’s candidate-driven market is that the new employee you’re trying to find is already employed. The job market today won’t allow you to post an ad and wait for suitable candidates. Your job needs to be finding passive candidates wherever they may be. But where are they? How can you find and engage passive candidates? We have some suggestions. Passive Candidate Search Passive candidates are 120% more likely to make a strong impact at your company. That means these candidates are highly desirable and beneficial to your business. Traditional candidate sourcing, where you simply place an ad, won’t [...]

July 13th, 2024|Recruiters, Uncategorized|

Does Your Team Have a Clear Candidate Pipeline?

These days, finding the right candidate is about who you know. While your job ad may generate resumes, the best candidates are often the passive, hidden talent, that only an active candidate pipeline can uncover. What is a candidate pipeline, how can you build one, and how can it benefit your business? What is a Candidate Pipeline? Reactive recruiting is the old “post and pray” method. That’s where companies would write an ad, place it on a job board, sit back, and wait for resumes to come in. Sure, it’s a good idea to have a few passive lines in [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR, Management, Recruiters|

Helping Your Recruiting Teams Make MORE Placements

It’s always difficult to find the best talent but the right software can help. Today’s applicant tracking systems (ATS) can help you find that needle in the application haystack, improve the branding of your company, and beat out other staffing agencies to hire the best talent. Exelare is a best-in-class ATS. Here’s how we help our clients make more placements—faster. Understanding the Benefits of an ATS Most staffing agencies worth their salt use an ATS. This type of software is designed to streamline the people process analyzing resumes, tracking top candidates, and recording data by candidate. These tools have revolutionized [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR|

How Do Applicant Tracking Systems Work?

If your recruiting team is using an Excel spreadsheet or maybe a customer relationship management (CRM) platform to handle their sourcing, interviewing, and hiring processes, you are operating under a handicap. Today’s applicant tracking systems (ATS) are designed specifically for the recruiting function and they give your team the ability to automate manual tasks that are slowing down your time to hire. Here’s how these platforms work and how they can help your business.  Understanding the ATS  Today, an ATS can help you handle the entire sourcing and hiring process. Many employers rely heavily on these tools to administer the hiring [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR, Management|

Best Practices for Harvesting Niche Resumes

Niche recruiting is a precise process. Specialization can save time wasted reviewing piles of unqualified resumes. Niche recruiting is less about the job board and more about precision targeting of the best candidates with exactly the right skills. Niche recruiting is especially important now, when so many people are out of work, placing a job board ad is sure to flood your hiring teams with a lot of candidates that are nowhere near qualified.  Here are some best practices for harvesting niche resumes and finding better candidates for your most skilled positions.   Start with the Job Description  Every job starts with a [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR|

Identify Your Recruiters Pain Points Before They Quit

Recruiting is a role where you improve the longer you work in a specific position. As recruiters get better at their job, the time to hire process reduces, and efficiencies improve. The last thing you want is for this skilled worker, who has reached their maximum efficiency, to leave. Here are some of the top pain points your recruiter may have today and how you can alleviate them. It's Hard to Get All of My Daily Tasks Organized Recruiting is an incredibly task-intensive process. If your recruiter can't stay organized around their daily activities, they are going to rapidly fall [...]

July 13th, 2024|HR|

Why It’s Important to Invest In a Quality ATS

Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are growing more sophisticated. While they can’t take on all of the recruiting functions for your organization, they can automate tasks so that your teams are spending time on what they do best—building relationships and closing deals. In this way, an ATS can contribute significantly to your bottom line by making your team more productive.  There are many ATS platforms on the market today. Why should you invest in these tools, and how can you be sure you’ve made the right choice?  Why Invest in an ATS?  There is simply no better way to handle the [...]

July 13th, 2024|Management|