
Tips for High-Volume Recruiting

It’s a familiar scenario for recruiters everywhere: too much to do and too little time to explore too few options. In the world of high-volume recruiting, however, the pressures exerted by deadlines and uncompleted tasks are exponentially worse. By “high-volume recruiting,” we’re simply referring to the practice of filling a large number of positions. In the public mind this practice is most frequently associated with seasonal retail employment, when companies must temporarily increase their staff to address a surge in consumer demand (e.g., the Christmas shopping season), but it occurs as well with corporations that are rapidly expanding the scope [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: Tips & Tricks|Tags: , |

5 Things Your Recruiting Business Should Invest In

What is the secret to success? This is the kind of question that tends to be answered by a lot of well-worn clichés: work hard, stay positive, don’t give up, etc., but as a recruiting professional, you need to do more than just hang a few motivational posters around the office. You need to figure out how to allocate your resources—time and money—to the right places. In that spirit, let’s look at five aspects of recruiting to which you should devote special attention. Candidate sourcing – You need to be proactive in finding suitable candidates for your clients. Among other [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: New Features, Tips & Tricks|Tags: , |

4 Tips on How to Nurture Candidates

If you’ve been following this blog, you already know that we advocate a long-term approach to recruiting whenever this is feasible—that is, you should have a pool of talented people with whom you develop an ongoing professional relationship so candidates can be called upon at a moment’s notice if an appropriate opportunity should arise. Sometimes this approach doesn’t work, as when a client has a specialized opening that requires the recruiter to locate brand-new candidates on a tight deadline. Nonetheless, the nurturing of a candidate pool should be considered part and parcel of the recruiter’s job. Yet, how can the [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: New Features, Tips & Tricks, Webinars & Training|Tags: , |

How to Prevent Discrimination When Searching for Candidates

As a recruiter, your goal is to locate and develop professional relationships with talent. Any experienced recruiter knows that qualified individuals come from a wide range of backgrounds, but, in practice, some people run into prejudices and discriminatory practices that deny them a chance to realize their career aspirations. It’s important to do what you can to ensure that your candidate search is as fair and free of bias as possible—this is not only the right thing to do but a matter of law. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) can and will impose serious penalties on organizations, including recruitment [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: News & Announcements, Webinars & Training|Tags: , |

5 Traits of Excelling Recruiting Managers

The Exelare team is proud of our applicant tracking software, which provides recruiters with a suite of time-saving organizational and communication tools. Nonetheless, there’s no denying that technology can never fully replace the human element that has traditionally played such an important role in recruiting. Good recruiters tend to share certain personality traits that promote successful outcomes in this field. Communication skills – Like “detail-oriented,” this is one of those in-demand traits listed in seemingly every online job description, but, for a recruiter, there is more to communication than standard workplace conversation. A successful recruiter should be comfortable with sending [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: News & Announcements|Tags: , , |

How to Source Candidates like a Master

Recruiting used to be strictly a matter of newspaper ads, Rolodexes, and resumes printed on special cotton-fiber paper, but recruiters these days must be able to exploit the power of modern technology if they expect to be successful in their chosen profession. That’s not exactly news—it seems as if everyone spends as much time as humanly possible with their computers and mobile devices. To a great extent, our social and professional lives have moved into cyberspace. Yet, the sourcing practices of many recruiters do not fully align with this simple fact. They fail to keep pace with the rapid changes [...]

July 13th, 2024|Categories: New Features, Webinars & Training|